Omenaa has cultivated her collection over the years, predominantly centering on sculptures, spatial art pieces, and contemporary paintings. She passionately invests in emerging artists, bolstering their growth and creativity. Beyond this, she is devoted to amplifying social and cultural consciousness within the Polish business sector, emphasising the importance of social responsibility within cultural realms.
Omenaa, the brain behind television series “Star Houses” and “Luxury Houses with Omena,” leveraged her expansive knowledge and experience to establish her production venture, OMI PRODUCTIONS. This enterprise garnered the trust of TVN Discovery Poland Group, a television frontrunner in Poland. For this renowned broadcaster, OMI PRODUCTIONS crafted an enlightening 10-episode series titled “Exceptional Houses”. This series spotlights the crème de la crème of modern Polish architecture, delving into futuristic homes that epitomise structural excellence, impeccable design, and sustainability. Each episode offers a trove of inspiring narratives and intriguing designs, underscoring innovation in construction and a harmonious bond with nature.
Omenaa Mensah, an embodiment of artistic fervour, is always in high gear. She helms three foundations, orchestrates the Grand Charity Auction, and stands as the pillar behind the Philanthropic Consortium. Her expertise has garnered accolades from stalwarts in architecture and design, including luminaries like Boris Kudlička, Bruno Moinard, Alessandro La Spada, and Gio Pagani.
Motivated by her deep-seated love for art, Omenaa took on an ambitious endeavour, steering an international cadre of architects, conservators, and renovators. Their mission revolves around the revitalization of two 19th-century historic buildings in southern Europe. Their restoration approach marries state-of-the-art technology with a profound respect for historical integrity.
Dodatkowo, jako prezeska OmenaArt Foundation, pragnie aktywnie wspierać rewitalizację historycznych obiektów w Polsce, włączając w to malowidła ścienne w Muzeum Pałacu w Wilanowie. Jej zaangażowanie w ochronę dziedzictwa kulturowego jest widoczne w działaniach podejmowanych zarówno na arenie międzynarodowej, jak i w kraju.
Further, as the president of the OmenaArt Foundation, she fervently champions the rejuvenation of Poland’s historic landmarks, inclusive of the frescoes in the Wilanów Palace Museum. Her steadfast commitment to preserving cultural heritage shines brightly, manifesting in initiatives both on home turf and on the global stage.
With her rich reservoir of knowledge, fervour, and experience, Omenaa persists in her crusade to elevate art, design, and architecture. This she does through collaborations with esteemed experts and endeavours aimed at conserving and rejuvenating historical sites. Her unwavering dedication serves as a beacon for all art and culture aficionados.